Michelle LynRay Dubh specializes in the Ida P. Rolf Method of Structural Integration. As a Certified Advanced Practitioner of this Method, she offers the basic 10-series, advanced 5 series, and 1 or 3 series tune up sessions.
- Basic 10-series of Structural Integration, is a systematic approach to aligning the body via fascial tissue manipulation; each session builds upon the last and prepares the body for the next. Although the 10 series provides a ‘map’, it is not the territory, and each session is as unique as the person receiving it.
- Structural Bodywork – is designed as individual sessions to treat acute situations or as Post 10-series work as ‘tune up’ sessions.
- RITM Scenar (Biofeedback TENS) – The brain needs to communicate with the body and visa versa. Sometimes the nerves of the body have screamed so loud that the brain has turned off the signal. This little gadget re-trains the nervous system of the body to communicate to the brain and relieve stress and tension that gets stored in the tissue. This is especially useful in ‘reconnecting’ the meridian connections through scar tissue.
For session pricing or to schedule an appointment click HERE